
Principal Investigator

Postdoctoral team members

Dr Anna Athanasopoulou

Project Deep into Nature: The Ecological Self in Imperial Greek Literature and Art
Research interests Imperial Greek literature; Art and Text Theories; Ancient and modern ecphrastic writing; embodied, sensory, and ecological approaches to Classics, Classical reception

Dr Benjamin De Vos

Project Reception of Sophistic and Platonic philosophy in the Pseudo-Clementine literature
Research interests First and Second Sophistic, early Christian and apologetic literature, Classical and Hellenistic philosophy, literary theory



PhD students

Ms Camila De Moura (joint PhD with the University of São Paulo)


Narrative Patterns in the Lives of Ancient Greek Poets

Research interests ancient Greek biography, Lives of poets, ancient fiction, literary theory, ancient Greek theatre

Ms Emma Huig


The Holy Romance. Characterization and concepts of fiction in Italo-Greek hagiography

Research interests literary theory, narratology, hagiography, Byzantine literature, ancient and Byzantine Greek fiction

Visiting Scholars and Students

Mr Carlos Amado Román

Project A commentary on Achilles Tatius’ Leucippe and Clitophon (Books 3 and 4)
Research interests ancient Greek novels, influence of progymnasmata and declamation on Imperial Greek literature, narratology, literary theory

Prof. Dr Saiichiro Nakatani († 1972-2023)

Project The reception of the ancient Greek novel from late antiquity to early modern Europe
Research interests ancient novel, narrative technique, classical reception, history of prose fiction, translation, bibliography

Former team members

Dr Ellen Söderblom Saarela

Project Late antique and medieval receptions of ancient novels in western vernaculars (ERC Novel Echoes, 2020-2022)


Student helpers

Merel Van Nieuwerburgh (2023)

Anne Lanckriet (2022-2023)

Sien Denduyver (2022-2023)

Elisabeth Callewaert (2022-2023)

Mathijs Clement (2021-2022, 2022-2023)

Marthe Nemegeer (2021-2022)

Lotte Van Olmen (2017-2018)

Emma Vanden Berghe (2016-2017)


Pauline De Groote (2014-2015)

Lotte Van Olmen (2017-2018)

Robbe Vande Velde (2018-2019)